Warm Congratulations on the Successful Launch Ceremony of AAAC Company

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With the joint efforts of leaders at all levels in Anqing City, the management and staff of the group and AAAC company, AAAC company was formally put into production after long-time construction on December 22, 2020. Zhang Junyi, member of the Standing Committee and executive vice mayor of Anqing Municipal Party committee, Hua Jiahong, member of the Standing Committee and vice mayor of Anqing Municipal Party committee, Kusafu, general manager of Aisin China, Okura, general manager of Aisin Suzhou, Pan Yixin, chairman of ARN group,  Cao Lixin, general manager of ARN group attended the launching ceremony. Other relevant departments such as the Management Committee of the Municipal Development Zone, the Municipal Bureau of economy and information and the main leaders from enterprises of ARN group also attended the launching ceremony. The commissioning ceremony was presided over by Wu Sanjiu, director of the Management Committee of Anqing Economic Development Zone.


On November 7, 2018, after sincere communication and negotiation between the two sides, Aisin (Anqing) Auto Parts Co., Ltd. formally signed a contract and the plant construction was started on April 20, 2019. With the support of the government and other parties, the project progressed rapidly. The overall plant project was basically completed in just 5 months, and the plant construction was completed on July 30, 2020.


In December 2019, the production equipment entered the factory one after another, and then the tense installation started. In the Spring Festival of 2020, a new coronavirus brought a shadow to the progress of the project.  However, General Manager Kijimoto resolutely led the management and technical team with six people and they flew from Japan to China to Anqing on February 8, which was during the most dangerous moment. Then they started to work on February 9th. With the support of remote communication and the group companies from both parties, the equipment installation was basically completed as planned.

During the epidemic period, government leaders at all levels were very concerned about the progress of the project. After the epidemic was controlled, the foreign affairs and commercial departments actively helped to open the green channel. More than 20 Japanese technical experts came to Anqing after isolation, solving the problems of debugging and commissioning after the installation of the equipment. In terms of staff education and training, it has been strongly supported by factories such as Foshan, Tangshan and Taizhou of Aisin group.


2020 is an extraordinary year for the whole world. With the efforts of all of us, Aisin project has been successfully put into production today. During the commissioning ceremony, the project construction progress of the company was affirmed by the leaders of all parties. The construction of advanced die-casting workshops, high-efficiency daylighting, ventilation systems, high-insulation fireplaces with halved energy consumption, advanced aluminum melting and water supply device, automatic mold replacement and other projects have been appreciated by leaders from all sides. AAAC company will be one of the most environmentally friendly metal foundries in China and even in the world.


With the rapid development of electrification in the automotive industry, Aisin Anqing is ready to provide automatic transmission parts for the gradually expanding hybrid vehicle business. Aisin Anqing will follow the manufacturing philosophy centered on Aisin's "Quality First", give full play to its technical expertise, and continue to develop and grow its business.

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