Fulfill five development concepts, Create harmonious and win-win environment

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With the theme of "practice the five development concepts, create a harmonious and win-win environment; take the initiative to fulfill social responsibilities, and help build a better Anhui", Anhui corporate social responsibility report conference was held in Hefei Fengda International Hotel on July 10th. 103 enterprises from all over the province attended the conference and released the 2018 social responsibility report. The conference commended 14 "best social responsibility reports" of Anhui Province in 2018. Anhui Ring New Group's 2018 annual social responsibility report was awarded with the top score.

According to the relevant requirements of the national standards such as the social responsibility guide, the enterprises that won the "best social responsibility report" regularly disclosed the basic background and performance of corporate social responsibility, which represented the advanced level of corporate social responsibility report in Anhui Province. The social responsibility report of ARN group, with its rigorous structure, complete indicator system, novel layout and vivid language description, shows the performance practice of the enterprise under the guidance of the five responsibility concepts of "innovation, integrity, harmony, green and sharing", and wins the high praise of the expert judges.

The meeting also invited eight second batch of experts of "Anhui Enterprise Social Responsibility Think Tank" to improve the theoretical and practical level of enterprise social responsibility work in Anhui Province and continue to promote the construction of enterprise social responsibility system in Anhui Province. Liu Tongqing, deputy general manager of Anhui ARN group, was elected as the second batch of Think Tank experts. (Zhang Weixia)

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