Municipal leaders bring a cool to the frontline workers in ARN Group

发布时间: 人气:0 来源:admin

On July 31, when anqing was in hot weather, He Yanming, Deputy Secretary General of Anqing Municipal Party Committee, Xin Jingwen, vice chairman of the Municipal Federation of Labor Union, and delegations paid a visit to ARN group and brought cool and refreshing to the grass-roots front-line employees who still stick to their posts in the hot summer, and sent the care of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government to the employees.

He Yanming and his party came to ATG company's manufacturing site, and sent a bag of "cool gift " and 10000 RMB of condolence money for employees, which was filled with dew, ice black tea, soda and other heatstroke prevention items. They expressed condolence to the employees who held their posts in the hot season and thanked them for their hard work. He Yanming and his party also asked the enterprise leaders to take effective measures to do a good job of heatstroke prevention in high temperature season, strive to create a safe and comfortable working environment, and ensure the safety of front-line employees in summer.

Cai Xiangdong, Assistant President of the Group, Zhu Huashan, executive general manager of ATG company and others have the on-site accompany. (Zhang Weixia)

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